Baum & LeahyDK/UK

Award-winning artist duo takes on Flokkr with a multi-utopian creature

The artist duo Baum & Leahy invite us into ’Pantopia‘ to meet in our shared “crisis exhaustion” and collectively build new energy and resilience by drawing attention to the hopeful, the possible, and the nourishing.  

‘Pantopia’ is a vibrant, multicolored, sprawling creature that arrived at Flokkr last year, its long textile tendrils offering a protective and caregiving embrace. With the dream of envisioning more sustainable futures at its heart, ’Pantopia’ has been created by transforming organic and waste materials of the present.  

At Flokkr you are invited to workshops and events that inspire utopias and ideas, fantasies, dreams and joy of life.

Baum & Leahy are the lead artists in the Flokkr Lab program. For this year's festival, they have been in close creative dialogue with four activist partner groups during the winter/spring of 2024 to develop the activists’ projects and interventions, that are also part of this year’s programme at Flokkr.  

Get familiar with ‘Pantopia’ and the Flokkr Lab programme – a space for dreams and actions built on the collaboration between Baum & Leahy and the activist groups The Green Youth Movement (DGUB), FLOR, The Danish Red Cross Youth (URK) and Danish Refugee Council Youth (DFUNK). 

Baum & Leahy (Amanda Baum & Rose Leahy) is an award-winning artist duo based in Copenhagen and London. They work through interdisciplinary collaborations across media and scales to explore exchanges between ecology, senses, and perception. Baum & Leahy have exhibited and run events internationally.