Multiple shows

Take part in a conversation that challenges norms and opens new ways of talking about sexual desire

  • Sunday 30 June
    Workshop: Peech: The Board of Bliss, 11:00, Flokkr Container #1
  • Sunday 30 June
    Talk: Lust at Flokkr, 14:30, Flokkr

Sexual desire is a topic that rarely gets the attention it deserves. We are exposed to unrealistic and overdramatized examples in pop culture and raised to believe in certain (outdated) ideas about how a healthy sex life is supposed to be. It can therefore be difficult to relate that lust evokes different feelings in us, whether it is shameful, lovely, or anything in between – and sometimes is completely absent. 

You are invited to a talk, presented by Peech, on Flokkr about sexual desire, both when it is lacking, when it becomes an obstacle, and when you give in to it. Sexual desire is a variable that we delve into in this conversation with moderator Kathrine Graa and panelists Ingrid Magnifique Baraka and Sofie Riise Nors. The talk will be in Danish. 

Before the event, remember to visit 'The Board of Bliss' in the Flokkr container, where you are encouraged to write a post-it note about your desire and hang it up as inspiration for others. 

Ingrid Magnifique Baraka is a designer, co-founder, and host of the award-winning podcast 'A Seat At The Table'. She is in a stable relationship and experiences reduced sexual desire. 

Sofie Riise Nors aka WaginaPineapple is a feminist, writer, illustrator, and host. Her focus is on how female sexual desire is socially structured and what it will say to be a woman and sexually liberated.

Sexologist Cecilie Lind works with self-worth and consciousness within sexuality. She nuances society’s image of correctness and presentation when it comes to sexuality, and advocates for the educational potential in the feminine energy and its approach to sex and sexuality.

Kathrine Graa is employed at the sex toy company Peech as a hostess and store manager. She has experienced fluctuating lust, influenced by health, excess, and the season. 

Peech is a platform working to nuance the perception and the existing image of sex toys by asking questions such as: who are sex toys for? How can a vibrator be used? And whether it is necessary to divide products by gender.