Fighting conformity with provincial brutalism

  • Monday 1 July
    19:15, Eos

"Like a slap in the face to the patriarchy", Danish music magazine Soundvenue wrote about Angående Mig's debut album, Manden i mig, which they also hailed as one of the best Danish releases of 2023. 

With the album, Angående Mig – aka Laura Lilholt Andersen – has created an expression that is not only highly engaging. It also transcends any genre box by blending the confrontational anger of punk, the reflective sincerity of singer/songwriter, minimalist pop and beats inspired by hip-hop. 

Add to this a strong conceptual approach to unfolding personal stories of gender, upbringing, sex and pride in a setting that mimics a Christian mass and you sense that something special is in store, also from the stage, where Angående Mig invites us further into her journey of formation and struggle to find a place in a world obsessed with putting people in boxes. 

She has called her approach to songwriting provincial brutalism, but even though she sings from her provincial experiences, there is nothing provincial about her music, which is both a personal manifesto and a modern take on protest song that calls for a fight against conformity.