Below we have gathered a number of factual information about the entire music line-up
The full music line-up for Roskilde Festival 2024 consists of 201 music acts during 7 days from Sunday 29 June to Saturday 6 July.
Facts about the music line-up
201 music acts are part of the music line-up.
44* countries are represented in the music programme. 9 additional music acts are categorized as international.**
Continental categorization in percentages:
Europe: 55 %
North America: 22 %
Africa: 9 %
South America: 5 %
Asia: 4,5 %
International: 4,5 %
72 acts represent the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden and Norway), which is 30 % of the music programme.
61 acts represent Denmark, which corresponds to 30%. Thus, 70 % of the acts are from other countries than Denmark.
42 acts perform during First Days and 159 names perform during Final Days.
*Some acts occur more than once in the statistics if their members are from different countries.
**Some acts are categorized as international if the artist does not identify themselves as a representative of a specific country.