Facts about Roskilde Festival 2024

Facts about Roskilde Festival

  • The festival takes place from Saturday 29 June to Saturday 6 July 2024. 
  • There are approximately 200 music acts, while multiple artists, authors, performers, speakers, musicians, graffiti artists, architects, and more contribute to the overall program. 
  • The eight stages are: Apollo, Arena, Avalon, Eos, Gaia, Gloria, Orange, and Platform. 
  • Other platforms are: Flokkr, Food is Now, Re:Act, and Stadion. 
    Roskilde Festival 2024 is the 52nd festival, the first one took place in 1971. 
  • With more than 130,000 participants, Roskilde Festival ranks as Denmark's fourth largest "city" in terms of population. 
  • There are 80.000 full festival tickets and 20.000 single-day tickets.


  • The average age of participants is 24 years.


  • The audience capacity is 80.000 full festival tickets and 20.000 one day tickets distributed over the days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 
  • Full festival tickets cost 2.400 DKK (+ fee). 
  • One day tickets cost 1,200 DKK (+ fee).
  • Prices are the same as last year. 
  • Ticketmaster is the official ticketing provider for Roskilde Festival.


  • The festival area covers approximately 2.500.000 square meters. 
  • The festival site itself measures approximately 420.000 square meters. 
  • Participants set up around 50.000 tents in the camping areas

The organization

  • Roskilde Festival is organized by The Roskilde Festival Charity Society and created by approximately 30.000 volunteers.
  • The festival is non-profit. All profit from the festival is donated to humanitarian and cultural work.
  • Since 1972, Roskilde Festival has generated 443 million DKK for distribution. 
  • Anyone who has been a volunteer at Roskilde Festival, and contributed with an effort that generates a wristband, can become a member of The Roskilde Festival Charity Society in the following year, participate in the annual general meeting, and run for the board.
  • The Roskilde Festival Charity Society is part of the Roskilde Festival Group along with the Roskilde Festival Foundation.


  • Approximately 30.000 volunteers are involved during the festival. Around 17.000 volunteer as part of associations or organizations, while approximately 2000 are volunteers at Roskilde Festival all year, and another 1000 make a big effort during the months leading up to the festival. The remaining 10.000 are volunteers at The Roskilde Festival Charity Society just before, during, and after the festival. 
  • In 2023, approximately 2200 volunteers came from abroad. 
  • Roskilde Festival is created in collaboration with other associations and organizations. They contribute with food stalls and a wide range of hosting and service tasks. These actors enhance the festival experience, and their participation is also a way for the festival to contribute economically to the cultural life and the development of civil society. The participating associations, organizations, and companies have earned more than 360 million DKK at the festival since 1971. 

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