Rent Your Tent

The name says it all. Arrive at the festival to a pitched tent waiting just for you


Rent Your Tent

Rent Your Tent is the ultimate rental solution that's as easy as it is green. This solution is for those who want the camping atmosphere without the hassle of bringing a tent and searching for a place to set it up.

With Rent Your Tent, you get a cleaned, recycled tent at your disposal, ready upon arrival. It must not be taken home. Baths are available in the area and are included in your Rent Your Tent ticket.

Rent Your Tent deposit

When you purchase the Rent Your Tent product, you pay a deposit. When you're finished using your tent, you must pack it up and drop it off at the reception or our pop-up station, after which you'll receive your deposit back.

Access to the area

You don’t need a special wristband to enter the Rent Your Tent campsite. Everyone with a regular festival wristband has access, but the area and its bathing facilities is reserved for you all week.

Let’s make Roskilde greener

When we’re living together at Roskilde Festival, we need to keep our community fantastic. This also means that we need to take care of our beautiful festival grounds. We want to break with the throw-away culture. The green future of the planet is our joint responsibility. 

When you actively reduce, sort and recycle before, during and after Roskilde Festival, you’re making a huge difference. 

  • Reduce means to bring as little as possible from home.
  • Sort means that you help keep the festival clean by sorting your waste.
  • Recycle means that you take your stuff home and use it again.