If you’re traveling with a large group and want to sleep in a bus, this is the option for you.
Sleep-in Buses are located near the Caravan Camping area and are perfect for those arriving in buses that you can sleep in. The area is equipped with showers (for a fee) and toilet facilities.
- A bus is defined as a vehicle longer than 7.5 meters and with space for multiple guests.
- You are allowed to set up one awning per bus. The combined width of the bus and awning must not exceed 5 meters, including guy ropes.
- Any use of open flames, including candles, oil lamps, etc., is strictly prohibited.
- Camping or parking on fire lanes is not allowed.
- Generators and portable solar panels are not permitted in the area.
- Only standard camping furniture is allowed. This includes restrictions on construction materials.
- The area is a quiet zone, and amplified sound must be limited to a volume that is only audible inside and around your tent.
- Upon departure, the area around your bus must be cleared of all gear and materials you brought with you.
- You must follow the camping hosts' instructions regarding arrival, placement, behavior, and departure.
Quick facts
- Price: 1800 DKK
- Location: Caravan North (See map)
- Opening Time: Saturday 28 June at 16:00
- Reservation Ends: Never
- How to Get There: Via Darupvang
You do not need a special wristband to enter the area. All festival wristband holders have access, but the area is reserved for you for the entire week.
Remember to bring your Sleep-in Buses ticket, which you need to show when you arrive at the area.
The bus will be equipped with a special permit, but passengers can access the area with their regular festival wristbands.
If you arrive on Saturday 28 June, you can exchange your tickets for a festival wristband in the Caravan area. From Sunday 29 June, you must exchange your ticket at one of the entrances.
When we live together at Roskilde Festival, we must all help take care of our beautiful festival grounds.
This means leaving every area clean and free of the items you brought with you. It also means minimizing our impact on the planet, even while we’re enjoying the festival.
You make a huge difference when you reduce your consumption, sort your waste, and reuse as much as possible.
- Reduce means bringing as little as possible from home
- Sort means helping to keep the festival clean by sorting your waste at our waste stations
- Reuse means taking your belongings home and using them again