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Take part in creating RF25


You see the orange vests around the grounds, but did you know that 30,000 volunteers are involved in building the Roskilde Festival every year? And you can take part next year as well!

By Rasmus Løwenstein, volunteer journalist

RF24 is coming to its end. Would you like to help build Denmark's fourth-largest city next year? There are countless opportunities to leave your mark on the festival – you can try something completely new or apply your existing knowledge in a different area.

Learn about a few of the many opportunities of volunteering at Roskilde Festival.

Nicolai Hegelund

Create a great atmosphere at the campsite

With thousands of people staying at the campsite, it's important that help is nearby when the tent is pitched, and the party is on. Here, service hosts guide the way, provide garbage bags, and ensure that the atmosphere remains high.

Jacob Fredegaard Hansen

Safety at concerts

The concerts at Roskilde Festival attract large crowds, which requires a lot from safety. As part of Crowd Safety, you get up close to the concerts and maintain an overview when the music is playing, and the party is in full swing. Even though people might not notice you, you play a crucial role in ensuring that the audience has a great concert experience. 

Rasmus Kongsgaard

Keep the festival running behind the scenes

It's not just the many volunteers you see on the grounds, who make the festival happen. A large machinery goes into action when the festival is being built, and there are many opportunities to help build the festival site.