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The residents of Community Camping prove once again that sustainability is not a limit for a good party. Explore the unique and creative events that await you throughout the week.

By Viktoria Holst Jensen & Vera Francine Claver, volunteer journalists 

Community Camping is based on a shared responsibility for each other, the community, and the festival grounds we share. In these areas, you can get lost in unique events like bar golf, stop dance battle, and a bingo race with trash throughout the next week. Give yourself experiences that you certainly won't encounter again. 

If you feel a bit overwhelmed and don't know where to start or end, we gathered a couple of suggestions: 

Mini Golf Tournament in Common Ground

Find your inner Tiger Woods and show us your best tricks. Get ready for an exciting tournament at Bar Golf. Bring along new and old friends, join the competition for and win a gift basket with delicacies from local sponsors.

Monday, July 1, 12:00 PM, Bar Golf  

Medina Stop Dance Battle in Settle’n’Share 

Welcome to the Medina Stop Dance Battle! Join the festivities as Camp Kun For Mig hosts a stop dance battle featuring the biggest hits from the Danish singer Medina. Show us your moves with all your friends and compete for an exclusive prize. 

Monday, July 1, 4:00 PM, Camp Kun For Mig (P44) 

Love Out Loud in Clean Out Loud

Are you excited to fall in love with new music at Roskilde Festival and open to finding love as well? Try your luck at Clean Out Loud, where you’ll be matched with a potential love of your life.

Fill out a questionnaire, and let fate decide if the Clean Out Loud residents have better luck with their matches than those on “Married at First Sight”. 

Tuesday, July 2, 1:30 P - 5:00 PM, Agora F 

Preston Drake Hillyard

Giant Twister in Settle’n’Share 

You know it. The classic Twister game that challenges your balance, flexibility, and strength. Camp Twister and Shout presents Twister on a new scale. More people, bigger board, more fun. Join in! 

Tuesday, July 2, 6:00 PM, Camp Twister and Shout (P46) 

Alexander Fazio

Trash Bingo Race in Settle’n Share 

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Find your best superhero friends and win prices while doing a good deed. Join the bingo, where the numbers are replaced with trash you find on the grounds. It’s on Wednesday at Camp Justice. There’s space for 25 teams of five, first come, first served. 

Pssst... we heard there are bonus points for the best superhero costume. 

Wednesday, July 3, 1:00 PM, Camp Justice (P40) 

Kim Matthäi Leland

Community Nap in Common Ground 

Recharge your batteries before the grand opening of the Festival Site. Camp Ros’masjang invites you to a community nap. Bring your mattress, breathe deeply, and enjoy the bedtime stories. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2:00 PM, Camp Ros’masjang 

Villas Hartvig

Naked Run in Dream City 

Did you know that the Roskilde Festival doesn’t organize the annual naked run? Several camps from Dream City have come together to plan this year’s naked run. Watch as 30 festival participants race for two tickets to RF25. Come early!

Thursday, July 4, 2:00 PM, Camp Turist Misinformation 

Yesterday, Community Camping opened with a blast – see what it looked like when the first arrivals took over the festival grounds: